Yellow flowers; yellow boxes; yellow website! If you hadn’t guessed already, here at Zing Flowers we love the colour yellow.
With summer in full swing, we’ve put together our favourite ‘yellow’ gifts to help you add a little extra Zing to someone’s day – or yours!
1. Emojis!
They first appeared on our phones and now they're on our notebooks, pencils and even our couches. Emoji products have got to be one of our funniest gift ideas, their hilarious expressions are guaranteed to make someone laugh - which is why we love these emoji cushions from Prezzy Box.
2. Papier Pyramid Notebook
Everyone loves a good notebook! There is just something about having fresh clean pages and organised notes that is so satisfying – who could resist? However, Papier has especially caught our eye with this personalised pyramid notebook. Its bright yellow colour and various customisations makes it a great gift for anyone.
3. Sicilian Lemon Yankee Candle
This zesty scented candle from Yankee Candle is one of our favourites. Not only is it an amazing colour but its sweet, citrusy scent can leave your home smelling amazing.
4. Honey Bar Melt
We absolutely love this bath melt from Nectar & Bumble. Simply place the bar into your bath water and experience its relaxing, nourishing qualities.

5. Water Bottle
We love the reusable water bottles by Chilly’s – they have a fantastic range of colours and designs so there’s no excuse not to have a reusable water bottle! Our favourite has to be this African inspired pattern!
6. The Signature ‘Zing’ Letterbox
We couldn’t create this list without mentioning our very own Signature 'Zing' Letterbox! From the zesty, yellow box that arrives through your letterbox to the gorgeous yellow blooms that you can arrange yourself, these flowers are guaranteed to add a little Zing to your day.
What is your favourite yellow gift? Let us know on social media @ZingFlowers and for more gift ideas check out more of our blog posts, www.zingflowers.com/blog